things, ideas, or practices that carry the capacity to fortify us, to help us heal, achieve harmonious function, support our integrity and integration with other beings and our environment
I distinguish healthcare (an economic entity and industry) from big M Medicine which is rooted in a set of practices, beliefs, inclination, and perhaps biological imperative to maintain the health and prolong survival of humans and other living beings. The theory and practices change over time, but the base purpose is a through line. Little m medicines exist and derive potency within the larger framework of Medicine.
Watch this space where I will, from time to time, add new medicines, things to fortify your wellbeing so that you, in turn, have the resource to help others.
Rediscovering our force. On being water (Post #2).
If I were water, I would be an acequia and . . .
Rediscovering our force. On being water (Post #1).
If I were water, everywhere the land is hard and dry I would . . .
Drink this.
This cup is a medicine because the message “The healing starts here” and the vessel itself are like a well to drink from for hydration, for comfort, for nourishment of body and soul. It’s a functional reminder you can carry with you. The artwork is original. When the cup is with you, you send its message to yourself and to others, you “re-member” yourself, and you stay tuned in, connected to the ideas of Metamorphosis Medicine. It’s a small thing, right? Or is it ?
(Click on the image to see this in the shop)
Moonfire Circle (2022)
The Rim and the Hub Meditation
Preparation for The Wheel of Awareness Meditation, created by Dr. Dan Siegel.*
This is useful for gaining perspective . . . in just 3 minutes.
*Dan is a graduate of Harvard Medical School who trained in pediatrics and psychiatry. His focus now is interpersonal neurobiology, and he describes the Rim and Hub practice in his lucid, fascinating book Mindsight—a medicine in itself. He is the author of numerous best-selling books and the founder of The Mindsight Institute.